Home » Easy Tips That Can Keep Your Motorcycle Saddlebags New
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Easy Tips That Can Keep Your Motorcycle Saddlebags New

Motorcycle Saddlebags

Motorcycle Saddlebags

Since the cowboy days when people used to ride horses, carrying saddlebags was compulsory no matter where you are taking your horse. As the time passed, people started riding cycle and with cycle came the panniers that were used for carrying the equipment from one place to another. Finally, we entered the era of motorcycle and motorcycle groups and clubs where people used to ride their motorcycles everywhere. However, regardless of evolution, one thing remained constant, and that was Motorcycle saddlebags.

When it comes to motorcycle saddlebags, most people love leather saddlebags because they are easy to carry, customizable, durable and adjustable. Usually if we have a hard cover saddlebag, it limits the overall capacity of the load that we carry. In short, you can only take things that you have with you and if you want to stuff anything else, these hardcover saddlebags do not have extra space.

However, these motorcycle saddlebags are ideal for sharp, hard objects and fragile objects that you might feel can get damaged on your way. In this condition, you need to rely on your trusted old leather bag that can be stuffed with a lot of things without worrying about the space or any other issue. One thing that is very important when it comes to leather saddlebags is their ageing process. Just like any perishable object, leather is also perishable, and it comes with an expiry date. Although it is dyed and covered with various chemicals for preserving the overall layer however, it is very important to keep in mind that scorching heat of sun, harsh sunlight, moisture, dust, and extreme weather conditions can damage the leather saddlebags. If you want to keep your motorcycle saddlebags with you for the longest, you need to take care of them like you would take care of your official documents. Make sure you know the type of leather that it has been made of and even if you are not familiar with the type, there are very few things that you need to keep in mind while taking care of your saddlebags.

No Chemical Policy

While taking care of the saddlebags, keep a no chemical policy; this means you will not be relying on the industrial chemicals for cleaning your bags. Every time you need to clean your saddlebags, use something organic. You can use vinegar, lemon or baking soda if you want to thoroughly clean your saddlebags. If you want to use any industrial cleaning chemical make sure you are not using something that can damage the overall skin and your saddlebags will also lose the shine.

Give Room for Breathing

The surface of leather s just like skin, as we have pores on our skin and we need a room to breathe, it is same in the case of leather. Usually, people try to clean and polish the leather with the help of heavy and thick manufactured polishes. These might work only if you polish and then clean the overall bag again however, with you smoother the outer surface of the bag with the help of dense polish, you are not giving your saddlebags enough room to breathe. In short, you are clogging the pores, and this can be very dangerous.

Remove Every Time You Leave

We all know that leather saddlebags have to go through a lot, mainly because we get a pair of saddlebags and keep them attached to our motorcycle without realizing that leather can get affected because of the harsh weather conditions. We take our motorcycle out on a journey, and usually, our saddlebags get wet in the process; as we come home, we don’t take time to remove these bags and clean them thoroughly; instead, we leave them hanging to dry. Even in dusty and hot weather we don’t bother that leather might lose the actual moisture and become hard, this is the reason we have seen dry cracks on the surface. It is essential to clean and polish the saddlebags so that your saddlebags stay in shape for a long.

Know Your Use Motorcycle Saddlebags

If you have more than one motorcycle saddlebags, you need to know why you need these bags and when you should use them. You need to have at least one pair of motorcycle leather saddlebags, whereas you need to have one hardcover saddlebag in case you need to stuff it up with hard objects that otherwise can harm the leather. Try to use your leather saddlebags only when you require them and once you are done using them, clean it and put it back right away.

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