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Pros and Cons of Automobile

One of the ground-breaking advancements and enhancements in the field of human technology is the innovative and inventive discovery of the automobiles and it does not doubt at all. In today’s era, we cannot imagine the world without it anymore. Cars dominated the large proportion of our daily life and they are very crucial when we are driving in an actual way. They are also a part of perception due to the level of noise they produce and the possibilities as well as the streets built.

Needless to say, the cars have an enormous value for the economy of any nation. The productivity and the manufacturing process of an updated economy get affected badly with no automobile and derivations such as trucks. Still, Trucks are used to conduct a wide part of the manufacture of goods. However, the automobile not only contributed to the economy as a mode of transportation but it also has an intense effect on the availability as well as the distribution of the working places. The mobility and the flexibility of a family increase with a car. Along with the merit of the possibility of travel in the countryside can still be good as compared to situated in the urban region.

A change in lifestyle has been observed with the spread of the automobile. Even the parents are working in the centre of the city still children can be raised in a remote environment. It helps to strengthen the family ties particularly if the near and dear ones are living in the far distance areas. It may be more comfortable to wrap up the distances by car rather than other modes of transportation. Last but not the least, cars are regarded as a plus point to personal freedom. It facilitates travelling from one place to other, get the experience of huge parts of a nation and increase the horizon of person.

On the contrary, a variety of problems arises due to the usage of automobiles and the highlighted one is environmental effects. The biggest contributor to the pollution in any nation is cars and the origin to produce a large proportion of the huge amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO) by the usage of cars. Moreover, it also contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer as well as global warming. All these problems related to the environment cause different diseases to human beings also and lead to very disastrous health problems to animals and plants as well. The noise from the cars result in the pollution in densely inhabited regions and the underlined factor in this widespread phenomenon is called “Smog”. In addition to this, the increased number of mobility also leads to the development which is named as “Urban Sprawl”. Urban Sprawl refers to the broad development of the suburbs as well as the declension of the city centers and vice-versa.

Lastly, traffic congestion is another cons raises from cars and contributes to a large number of deaths every year. So, Cars gives a lot of problems and it can be possible to deal with all such problems without any serious consequences.

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