Home » Trending automotive technologies in 2018
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Trending automotive technologies in 2018

Automotives, for some they are the dreams come true but for some, it must be thrilling, faster and advanced. The automotive industry has featured the most iconic changes since the development of the motor engine. They have advanced fueling system, speed transmission mechanism, 4X4, cruise mode, sports mode and what not. This list is huge and every day new inventions and innovations are being done in the same to excel in the motor market. Electric vehicles were introduced as a prototype but now, Tesla has come up with electric cars electrifying the roads. The car technology has gone far beyond the human thinking. Now you have Google mapping, Bluetooth, WI-FI and all the computing installed in your vehicle to make it more hybrid, handy and productive. It’s the beginning of 2018 and the automotive giants will launch some of the latest and efficient automotive systems that will make your car fly like a spaceship.

Featuring some of the latest trends in the automotive industry can be the app replacing keys, autonomous driving, inbuilt hidden cameras, digitalized gauges, collision avoiding system, smarter Bluetooth and much more in the row. You are heading to buy a new car and it’s for sure that you will be surprised with all these amazing features integrated into your vehicle. Wasting no more time let us experience some of the dashing technologies which are trending in the automotive market.

Key Replacing Apps (Apps to run your car)

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With the innovative advancements in the technologies, the integration of the automobiles with the computing system is highly demanded these days. Earlier you have to insert the key to run the ignition and as time passed there were switch start buttons and sensor-enabled keys. Now, you have applications to perform such activities. These applications will be the new replacements for keys. You will able to perform the functions like beeping the horns, flashing on the lights and also you might start your vehicle with a tap on your device screen.

This platform is already introduced by the Tesla incorporations as some of its models do not have keys, they run an app. Surprising and Innovating! Most of the automotive giants are now heading towards the implementation of these technological facilities. Keys are now the things of bygone times remember the large key chains disturbing you and always worried to keep them in a safe and secure place. How creative an innovative idea it can be when you have lost your keys or misplaced it accidentally, just open the app and get set with your vehicle. Even you have parked it at some place and unable to locate the keys, simply open the app and head towards the home.

As per the costs of these innovations, most of the companies may apply the subscription fee for the apps or provide it for free to the new owner. Until one uses it and gets adaptive, people won’t realize how convenient it can be to run your vehicle with an application sizing in just MB’s.

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